
Ruby Guide

Best Build Items, Emblems and More for Ruby in Mobile Legends

Little Red Hood

Ruby: Little Red Hood


Mobile Legends’ Ruby is a crowd controlling fighter who thrives on getting into the thick of battle and using her powerful life steal, forcing enemies to obey her. She is often played in a side lane.

Check out recommended items, emblems, spells as well as tips and tricks below and see how strong Ruby is in the Season 15 tier list.

Recommended Ruby Builds

Champion Stats

Tips & Tricks

Ruby might be called Little Red Hood, but she packs a big punch and loves to play aggressive! Bully your enemies as Ruby, using her powerful life steal and crowd control abilities to force enemies away from valuable gold and experience in lane.

While Ruby has a myriad of ways to catch up to opponents and drag them back into her range, her ability to soak up damage comes from her consistently landing her abilities to proc her life steal. Highly mobile enemies and ones who can poke her down from outside of her range will be a challenge for Ruby to handle alone.


Ruby’s passive, Let’s Dance!, gives her a nice vampiric life steal, letting Ruby get even stronger as she buys life steal items and lands her abilities, chasing enemies down and gaining health back in the process.

Items like Haas’s Claw and Bloodlust Axe will enable Ruby to increase her life-stealing capabilities even further. 

By late game, consider Immortality for a final item. While it doesn’t offer life-steal, the ressurection can swing a team fight, allowing Ruby to get back into the fight and use the massive life-stealing she’s already built to quickly heal back up and knock her enemies down.


Ruby’s abilities are designed to bully enemies that foolishly let Ruby get up close and personal with them. Her moves offer area of effect damage, allowing her to jump into team fights where enemies are close together and deal (and heal) massive amounts of damage.

Her ability to slow enemies and pull them into her makes escape all but impossible. As a fighter, Ruby doesn’t quite have the burst damage of an assassin or the steady damage of a marksman, but if she has allies with her as she chases down fleeing targets, she can pull enemies back for her team to help her take them down.


Despite being a Fighter, Ruby enjoys all the stats the Assassin page gives her, from cooldown reductions, higher movement speed, attack and penetration. 

The Mastery talent enables her to use her spells more often thanks to its increased cooldown reduction. Bloodthirst gives her even more life steal thanks to its Spell Vamp.

Pair these with Killing Spree to make Ruby a speedy, healing monster, literally running down anyone who stands in her way.

Ruby Skins


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