
Mobile Legends 1.4.50 Patch Notes – Introducing Cecilion

Wisteria Count

With Mobile Legends Patch 1.4.50 arrives new hero, Cecilion, a mage hero who pokes and bursts down enemies and can call upon his love, Carmilla, pulling her from battle. Check out information about the release of the new hero as well as hero and item adjustments below. Full patch notes are available here.

New Hero: Cecilion

  • Cecilion, the Embrace of Night, will be available on February 11 (Server Time). 599 Diamonds, BP 32,000, Launch week 30% Diamonds OFF.
  • Cecilion’s new skin “Wisteria Count” will be available on February 11 (Server Time). Diamond 269. Launch week 30% Diamonds OFF.
  • Cecilion and his new Skin “Wisteria Count” will be in a bundle and available from February 11 (Server Time). Launch week 30% Diamonds OFF.

Hero Adjustments

“In this update, we mainly adjusted these heroes: Masha, Ling, Franco, Carmilla, Belerick and Bruno. And we also optimized the skill animation for these heroes: Argus; Lancelot and Helcurt.”

  • Crimson Flower: Basic Damage decreased by 20. HP Regen decreased by 10. Mana Cost decreased by 10 at all levels.

  • Bloodbath: Stunning Time decreased from 0.75s to 0.6s.

  • Curse of Blood: The passed damage decreased from 70% to 50%.

  • If Cecilion and Carmilla are in a team and they are close to each other, Cecilion can use “Moonlit Waltz” to transform Carmilla into a Vermeil Shadow attaching to him. Carmilla can use any one of her skills to land on the battlefield, providing shield for self, refreshing the CD of non-Ultimate skills, dealing damage to enemies and slowing them.

  • Now if Carmilla and Cecilion are in the same team, Carmilla can purchase the new equipment item “Broken Heart” from the Shop. If Carmilla owns this item, Cecilion can’t use “Moonlit Waltz” during the match.

Spiral Strangling: Basic Shield increased from 340-540 to 450-675. Magic Power Bonus increased from 70% to 105%.

Crossbow of Tang: Attack Speed Boost when slaying an enemy decreased from 40% to 30%. Improved the visual effect of “Crossbow of Tang” when the target is Ling and he is using the Tempest of Blades.

  • Basic HP of all the 3 HP Bars increased by 10%.
  • Wild Power: The Percentage of the additional damage increased by 0.5% at all levels. Now, if the target is a Turret or Minion, only 30% of additional damage will be caused.
  • Cloud Walker: Crit Chance decreased from 40% to 30%.
  • Finch Poise: CD adjusted from 11-9s to 10s at all levels.
  • Defiant Sword: Basic Damage increased by 25 at all levels. Physical Bonus decreased from 60% to 50%.
  • Ancient Seed: CD adjusted from 6.5s to 8-6s.
  • Deadly Thorns: Basic Damage decreased from 150-360 to 120-260.
  • Feathered Air Strike: Basic Damage decreased by 30 at all levels.
  • Feathered Air Strike: Now “Fleeting Time” can reduce the CD of this skill correctly.
  • Mecha Legs: Crit Chance Increase decreased from 4% to 2%. Max Stacks increased from 5 to 10.
  • Volley Shot: Slow decreased from 40% to 30%.
  • Chemical Refinement: Energy Regen adjusted from 40 at all levels to (12 + Skill Level*8).
  • Deadly Stinger: Damage Decay when the target is Minions of Creeps decreased from 70% to 55%.
  • Fury Shock: Damage increased to plus 4% of Max HP instead of 3%.
  • Bloody Hunt: CD increased from 38/32/26s to 45/40/35s.

Chrono Dash: CD increased from 9s to 9.3s.

Last Insanity: True Damage caused by explosion decreased from 400/550/700 to 300/500/700.

Frostmoon Shield: Initial Shield increased from 350 to 420. Shield Growth per level decreased from 80 to 70.

Fixed an issue that Karina couldn’t launch basic attack while she is silenced with skill 1 activated.

Fixed an issue that the chanting of battle spell “Arrival” would be interrupted when Diggie upgrades “Auto Alarm Bomb”.

Tornado Strike: Fixed an issue that the “Tornado Strike” triggered by “Steel Cable” couldn’t deal damage to the first target hit in Mayhem Mode.

Lesley will get the Marksman buff after killing the Core Guard (Higher damage but weaker slowdown debuff).

Battlefield Adjustments

  • 5V5 Festival Map [Spring Festival Carnival] will be unavailable.

  • [Core Guard] Soul of Lava: Physical Attack Bonus of Marksman/Mage/Support decreased from 100% to 80%.

  • [Turret] Team Gold for destroying Outer Turret decreased from 100 to 80. Team Gold for destroying Base Turret increased from 125 to 150.

Item Adjustments

Roaming Equipment Items have been adjusted in this update to no longer allow teams to abuse the gold generation and active effects on non-support heroes, allowing support teammates to get unique value from their items.

  • [All Roaming Equipment Items] Now when heroes equipped with roaming equipment share the Gold/EXP from the same target Creep/Minion, the hero with the lowest Gold/EXP among them will not get a share while others will share the Gold/EXP normally.
  • Unique Passive – Thriving: The extra Experience and Gold got from Assists adjusted from 35% to 15%/25%/35% (Scales with the tier of the roaming equipment).
  • [Shadow Mask] Active Skill – Conceal: CD adjusted to 80s. Improved the visual effect of this skill so that it can be distinguished more easily. Now after receiving Conceal buff, you can’t receive Conceal or Encourage again in the next 80s.
  • [Courage Mask] Active Skill – Encourage: CD adjusted to 80s. Now after receiving Encourage buff, you can’t receive Conceal or Encourage again in the next 80s.

  • [Awe Mask] Unique Passive – Deter: Increased slowdown duration to 1.2s. CD decreased to 40s.

  • [Lightning Truncheon] Max Damage decreased from 1200 to 1000. Refined the skill description.

  • Fixed an issue that the [Dreadnaught Armor], [Antique Cuirass] and [Awe Mask] will be invalid in some situations.

Spell Adjustments

  • Flameshot: Optimized the indicator. Now the knockback range is displayed on the indicator.


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