
Lesley Guide

Best Build Items, Emblems and More for Lesley in Mobile Legends


Lesley: Sniper


Mobile Legends’ Sniper Lesley is a marksman with assassin-like quality, using stealth and extremely long range to lock-on to targets and take them out swiftly.

Check out recommended items, emblems, spells as well as tips and tricks below and see how strong Lesley is in the Season 15 tier list.

Recommended Lesley Builds

Champion Stats

Tips & Tricks

Lesley uses stealth and burst damage to harass and poke enemies at range. By using her passive to gain increased damage and range and resetting it with her skills, Lesley can pump out massive amounts of damage very quickly from a marksman’s range, making her a deadly sniper assassin/marksman hybrid.

During the early laning phase, use your range advantage to poke enemies without taking damage yourself. Whittle them down and zone them off of minion waves, causing them to lose experience and gold in the process.

In team fights, Lesley is able to stay back safely, firing heavy sustained damage onto the enemy frontline and sniping low health targets in the backline. 


Swift Boots are the natural choice for a marksman, and Lesley is no exception. They grant her increase movement speed that pairs nicely with her camouflage and allow her to basic attack faster. 

Windtalker is another good item for her, giving her some Magic Damage in her kit and movement speed on the item’s passive, which can be helpful in both escaping enemy fire and pursuing low health targets to lock your sniper rifle onto.


As a Marksman, Lesley’s primary goal is to stay in the back line of team fights and Basic Attack the nearest enemy, giving her team prolonged sustained damage to win fights after burst damage has been pumped out and enemy cooldowns have been exhausted.

Master of Camouflage allows her to both ambush enemies and flee thanks to its movement speed and camouflage. Lesley cannot be targeted by basic attacks in this state, perfect for escaping when being pursued by enemies.

Tactical Grenade is a nice pushback that can help Lesley reposition when enemies get too close. Save it if you know enemies have highly mobile assassins or tanks that will be seeking to jump on you. Otherwise, it can be used to chain reset Lethal Shot for increased burst damage in fights.

Ultimate Snipe is a very powerful ultimate that allows Lesley to execute targets from unprecedented range. When locking onto a target, Lesley will continue to fire bullets that seek them out, no matter how far away they run. Enemies can block the bullets for their allies, but if a lone target is fleeing on low health, there’s no escaping Lesley!

Be sure to save your ultimate ability for low enemies — especially mages and enemy marksmen. It’s added damage on missing health gives it extreme power against low health targets who are trying to escape the battle and recall to base.


Despite being primarily a marksman, Lesley benefits most from the Assassin emblem page, with upgrades in Bravery and Doom giving her boosted Physical Attack and Penetration.

The Bounty Hunter talent grants extra gold for kills, helping Lesley ramp up more quickly, snowballing ahead of her enemies.

Lesley Skins


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